Race Ski Shop

USSA Ski Racing Helmet Rules for 2015-16

What are the ski racing helmet rules for 2015-16 and who do they apply to?

Beginning in season 2016 athletes U14 and older must use helmets that meet the new FIS helmet rules for ski racing for all USSA GS, SG and DH competitions.

The USSA and FIS Helmet Regulations issued by the USSA/US Ski Team states that for the season 2015-16 helmets bearing the FIS RH 2013 sticker are required for all U14 and older USSA alpine competitions (scored and non- scored).  Previously the FIS approved helmets were recommended for U14 and older athletes (so all kids 12 years and older) – now they are required.  These ski racing helmet rules do not currently affect Masters ski racers, the USSA tabled the decision to require masters racers to wear FIS approved helmets pending feedback from the FIS meetings in June.

The ski racing helmet rules for Kombi competitions have not changed; athletes must use the helmet that meets the standards for the faster discipline being contested.

According to the USSA, helmets must cover the head and ears. Helmets with spoilers or edges that stick out are not permitted. Protective features integral to the event being contested, such as chin guards on SL helmets are permitted. Soft ear protection is only permitted for helmets used in SL.  Helmet mounted cameras are not allowed on helmets in official training or competition.

Currently the following race ski helmets are FIS approved and comply to the new USSA ski racing helmet rules for speed events (GS, SG and DH):

There are no ski racing helmet rules for slalom.  A racer can wear the same helmet that they wear for speed events for SL as well.  Many athletes prefer a ‘soft ear’ helmet for slalom racing, but their team or club will not allow them to wear one.  Check with your team or club to see if they allow soft ear helmets for SL racing.

For more information, Ski Racing Magazine summarized all the race ski equipment rule changes for 2015-16 in their article Upcoming alpine rule changes you need to know.  

If you still have questions about ski racing helmet rules, please give us a call at Peak Performance Ski Shop at 802-422-9447.